Ce document en anglais présente 24 projets de services énergétiques financés par le programme européen Énergie intelligente/COOPENER.
« Energy services for poverty – alleviation in developing countries »
Le programme Énergie intelligente/COOPENER
43 pages
février 2007
(document en anglais)
Les 24 projets présentés dans ce document sont les suivants :
Alleviation of Poverty through the Provision of Local Energy Services (APPLES)
Biomass Energy Platforms Implementation for Training in Africa (BEPITA)
Improved carbonisation and decentralised forestry control in Madagascar (CARAMCODEC)
Development and Energy in Africa (DEA)
Energy Efficiency Training of Trainers (EETT)
Energising the Millennium Development Goals – Setting the Enabling Environment in Southern Africa (E-NDSET)
Building Capacity in Energy in the Health, Education and Water Sectors for Poverty Reduction in sub-Saharan Africa (ENABLE)
Removal of non-technological barriers to encourage SME energy efficiency by the rational use of biomass (ENEFIBIO)
Energy for Poverty Alleviation in Sahel (IE4Sahel)
Improving the economic and social impact of rural electrification (IMPROVES-RE)
Integrated Southern Africa Business Advisory (INSABA)
Mainstreaming Energy for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development (MEPRED)
Promotion of Microgrids and RES (Renewable Energy Sources) For Electrification in Developing Countries (MICROGRIDS)
Mitigating Risk and Strengthening Capacity for Rural Electricity Investment in Africa (MIRREIA)
Poverty Alleviation through Cleaner Energy from Agro-industries in Africa (PACEAA)
Poverty Eradication and Planning of Sustainable Energy (PEPSE)
Promoting Renewable Energy in Africa (PREA)
Proven in rural Africa (PROVEN)
Renewable and Efficient Energy for Poverty Alleviation in Southern Africa (REEPASA)
Réseau International d’Accès aux Energies Durables (RIAED)
SIE-Afrique Phase II
Sustainable urban renewal : energy efficient building for Africa (SURE-AFRICA)
Turning Information into Empowerment : Strengthening Gender and Energy networking in Africa (TIE-ENERGIA)
Tanzanian Renewable Energy and energy Efficiency project to Sustain Poverty Alleviation (TreeSpa)
Jacques Monvois, Gret, Xavier Dufail